Warriors Need Warriors.

Join Our 2-Day Warrior Resiliency & Reintegration Workshop DEC 11-12TH.

Organizations we've work with and supported


JOIN US Dec 11-12, 2021

We've forged a 2-day training designed to provide Warrior Resiliency & Reintegration training for Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, Military, Medical Personnel & those that want to help train their own teams in the resiliency protocols.
Valor is composed of warrior integration which consists of reintegration, purification & regulation. 

Once a member has awareness, new practices & rituals to integrate warrior reintegration that are integrated at an unconscious level they have now become resilient. 

This 2-day training will leave you with an Individual Resiliency & Reintegration protocol. You'll also qualify to lead your organization as a facilitator through our Organizational Resiliency & Reintegration protocol training. 


We've crafted the Valor 2-Day Workshop for Warriors who deal with or have been a part of high-trauma environments.

Law Enforcement





MEDICAL Personnel



help your team & organization by becoming the leader they need.

Detect early signs of substance abuse.

Identify early signs of substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, burnout, major stress and family problems among your members to get help before it’s too late.

Provide a framework for support.

Provide members the framework to reach out & ask for help when needed or reach in to ask other members if they need help when symptoms may indicate a problem.

Improved mental health.

Encourage self care practices and rituals to help your members manage mental health & wellness before it becomes a problem.

Improve emotional health.

Help management set a new standard where the organization will value the emotional health of members equally as the public they serve.

Reduce emotional traumas.

Acknowledge that there is significant emotional trauma created in the line of duty that affects mental health & wellness and learn ways to reduce it.

Decrease turnover.

Decrease team turnover by providing the training & support to rehabilitate current members versus having to continually hire new members

“Valor has been a great organization for us & I would highly recommend their services”

- Shawn White, Fire Chief Henderson Fire Department


Valor was built by two warriors Philip Folsom and Joshua Wenner. 

Both Philip and Joshua are veterans who joined together to build a program to help other warriors in trauma fields build their resiliency & reintegrate into society.

We've worked with organizations such as Microsoft, Redbull, Apple, and Space X and major universities worldwide. We are also one of the only groups in the U.S. that is trusted and hired to train veteran and first responder groups.

Our goal is to provide a platform that empowers members to utilize emotional resilience training to support mental health. Emotional resilience training addresses the root cause of anxiety, PTSD, depression, divorce, drug & alcohol addiction & suicide by teaching practical tools & self care frameworks to re-integrate back into life.

“By far and away the most important training I’ve ever received as a fireman, a father, a husband, and a friend. The power of perspective, love, gentleness, and kindness are all illuminated in this journey that starts and ends within yourself. These are the tools for emotional health and wellness. These are the tools for emotional freedom.”


when you Join Us DEC 11-12th, 2021

You'll also get access to our online training

Our proven resiliency & reintegration curriculum is designed to get members comfortable with building their own Individual Warrior Resiliency & Reintegration protocol. After the training they should be familiar with concepts, practices, rituals & how to build this into their own lives. 

Below is an overview of The Training Members Will Receive: 
Valor Overview, Philosophy and Resiliency Solutions
  • Current Problems Without Resiliency & Reintegration
  • ​Expectations For Completion
  • ​Discover How All Ancient Warriors Cultures Created and Maintained Resiliency and how we can implement their best practices again
  • ​The Difference Between Honor and Pride Cultures
  • ​Valor Training Methodology
  • ​Habit to Practices To Rituals (protocol) 
  • ​CPR protocol 
  • ​Challenges
Ancient Warrior Reintegration Rituals & Tribe Triangle
  • Learn How All Ancient Cultures Used Warrior Psychological Reintegration (Spartans)
  • Use The Tribe Triangle Map To Develop Kinship & Navigate Healthy Conflict
Introduction To The 4 Archetypes Sovereign, Magician, Warrior, Lover
  • Understanding the history of wolves & how we can learn the archetypes from them
  • Using the Archetypes To Develop Kinship
  • ​Each Member Will Do An Assessment To Learn Their Primary Archetype
  • ​Each Archetypes Gold & Shadows
  • ​How To Use The Archetypes For Healthy Conflict & Resolution
  • ​Using The Archetypes For Organizational Resiliency
Learn How To Use The Archetypes & Their Trauma Signs
  • Discover The Trauma Signs Associated With Each Archetype
  • Learn How The Trauma Signs Give Us Warning Indications of High Levels of Trauma
  • ​Normalize Addictions, Depression, Isolation, Suicide & Mental Health Conditions
Understanding The Psycho Education of Trauma & The Nervous System
  • Discover The Different Parts of The Brain & How It Reacts To Trauma
  • ​Learn How The Nervous System Reacts To Trauma
  • ​Understand Why Warrior Culture Get’s Hardwired To Fight, Flight, Freeze & Appease
Emotional Resilience Training ERT 
  • Understanding The 4 Levels of Emotional Trauma 
  • ​Discover the hidden Resiliency secrets of our sympathetic nervous system and how to master it
  • ​How To Use Resiliency Protocol Around Each Level Of Emotional Trauma
Resiliency: Re-integration, Regulation & Purification
  • Discover How To Reintegrate Back Home After High Stress & Trauma 
  • ​Learn Different Regulation & Resiliency Protocols to Calm The Nervous System
  • ​Normalize Addictions, Depression, Isolation, Suicide & Mental Health Conditions
Resiliency Communication & Forgiveness Tools
  • Learn How To Reintegrate Back Home Using Reintegration & Communication
  • ​Learn How To Communicate Your Resiliency Needs With Your Spouse/Family
  • ​Using The Archetypes To Understand & Communicate With Spouse/Family
Hero’s Journey (Group Development Wheel)
  • Learn The Phases of The GDW (Storming, Forming, Norming & Conforming)
  • ​Learn How This Wheel Can Help You Lead Your Team
  • ​Learn How This Wheel Can Help You Lead Your Family
Hero’s Journey (Map of The Unknown)
  • Learn The Phases of the Hero’s Journey:
  • ​Call To Adventure
  • ​Road of Trials
  • ​Abyss
  • ​Transformation
  • ​Return With Treasure
  • ​Learn How To Navigate Each Phase Using Resiliency
Resilience of the Freedom & Power of Playing Offense
  •  Discover What The Trauma Triangle Is & How To Get Out of It
  • ​Learn How To Claim Power & Purpose
  • Learn The 3 Phases Of Relationship:
  • ​Codependence
  • Independence
  • ​Interdependence
Summary & Recap
  • Understanding How Childhood Trauma Affects Us As Adults
  • ​Recap of the Course & Modules
  • ​What they should know & have
  • ​Gauntlet of practices & life or death
  • ​What is sacred
Challenges To Integrate Lessons:
Each member will be required to do written work & submit through our HIPAA compliant software. There will also be a challenge to practice proven resiliency methods so by the end of the training, each member has the tools & an individual resiliency protocol to better manage their emotional health. 
Community Interaction
During this training we will be doing breakouts so members can learn from other members that attend. This also makes the process fun & interactive. 

what others are saying about valor

Philip spoke our language and made more sense to me in his few short discussions than most people ever have in the last 11 years. I’m proud and thankful to be part of this program. The ropes course helped bring our team closer together. We all benefited from it and will continue to do so.” 


"Our peer support team has been lucky enough to have Joshua Wenner come up and deliver his emotional resilience training (ERT) with our peer support team a couple times over the last year. Joshua’s approach to discussing emotions allowed our peer support firefighters to really enjoy the training and take a lot of applicable information and tools away from the training. Through ERT my peer support team was able to get the tools they could use themselves and also could be shared with our peers to be used. With substance abuse being such a big issue in the fire service, Joshua was able to explain the “why” of substance in a manner that really made sense with a lot of members of my peer support team. ERT is eye opening and really strikes home for a first responder. I would highly recommend Joshua's ERT for any fire department or first responder peer support team.” 


"I first met Joshua during a presentation that he gave to firefighters and their peer support personnel. It was evident that Joshua possessed the life experience to relate to those in need of emotional healing. After that presentation I asked Joshua to speak to the REMSA and care flight staff along with their support personnel during EMS week with a focus on emotional wellbeing. Joshua was also one of my speakers at a health and wellness symposium that I coordinated for the Nevada state EMS advisory committee on self care. It was attended by firefighters, mental health clinicians, EMS and hospital personnel. His presentation helped clarify some of the deep emotional trauma and turmoil that first responders experience and that there is hope and relief. The numbers of critical incident or traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, burnout and suicide has increased in first responders and we need those like Joshua to provide the right tools and assistance to decrease those numbers. Joshua creates a safe environment for those he touches. He is passionate about helping people. He doesn’t just listen! He doesn’t just preach! He gives you practical and tangible tools to help you learn, grow, and overcome those obstacles that are hindering your emotional recovery needs. He is truly a facilitator for change. I would highly recommend Joshua and his program. "


Register To Join The valor 2-day workshop

Build resiliency among your teams and give your warriors the support they need.
Register Now For Just $995

workshop questions

When is the date of the workshop?
The workshop is from Dec 11-12th, 2021.
How many team members can attend?
We allowing only a few team members per organization. If you have more, please contact us for a special group rate.
Is food provided?
Yes. We will cater food for the day of the events for everyone present. 
What if I have more questions?
If you have more questions, please reach out at support@valorresiliency or call (310)-662 1231.
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